2008년 4월 12일 토요일


*Artificial intelligence
Alan Turning, he is founder of computer science. and he is clever other field.
he invent first computer. name is 'Colossus'. and he think artificial intelligence.
but he is gay man. because of McCarthyism, he have terrible destiny.
He think “imitation game". this is about gender. as this game, he think not only determine gender but also artificial intelligence. and he think 'Can machines think?’

Now exist definition of artificial intelligence and research areas of artificial intelligence.

this is artificial intelligence software. this software for thinking of computer.
but i think machine is just machine. program is just program created by human.

2008년 4월 5일 토요일


*This week class keypoint: New media technologies usually reinforce existing social
networks or even work to isolata people. and they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.

This week keypoint is link to 'People make media and then media make people.' nowaday a number of media are exist. and this influence our social network.

mainly social network is studied interdisciplinary by social scientists. but physicists and mathematicians contributed understanding of social networks too.
the understand of social network is can expecting pattern and quick reaction.

Social network is expressed by picture,graphy and chart. and one interesting theory Mark Granovetter, “The Strength of Weak Ties”is Sometimes weak relationship are more valuable than strong relationship. it is interesting and confusing.

definition some relationship. example, 'epuivalence' is people that have same social network. and 'centrality' is people that know almost people. that link central position. and 'bridges' is people that link separated group. this is function for social capital.

This week class have a character of social science. nowaday the influence of internet to rerationship is wonderful.
Ordinary I think network and rerationship. that's so complicate. thus understanding of socialnetwork always have variables.