2008년 6월 6일 금요일


*resistance in digital media(virus, open source software)

Nowadays, few people have strong capital and high technology. they have a decision many people. for example, strategies of “The Prince". Resist for this, many things
Virus, electronic disturbance. That is cracker program. Virus cannot work alone.
Only meet other program, virus execute and copy itself.
Trojan horse, this is disguise other program, for to break security or damage a system.
Worm, this propagates itself over a network. Nowadays worm is used negative purpose by cracker.
Open source software, Everybody using this for free. Often Open source software is better than program that pay for use.
If don't damage other, many program is diversion. And open source software is have various good point. Only rating software exist. Maybe more problem occurrence.

2008년 5월 24일 토요일



Surveillance: Surveillance make what society act efficiently. And that make system
Nowadays, That system make problem. Example, human estrangement. But, Banjamin Frankrin's say, That is not strange. Surveillance exist on our life. Peoples don't want to absolute free. Peoples need safety in restriction.

Privacy: It is sure that the right of the people to be secure in their other things.
Otherwise, Provacy and public not absolutely separation. Privacy exist on public as human can't live alone. Private and public need suitable distance. For well.

2008년 5월 17일 토요일



Huamn is complex and imperfect. And nowadays, We have cyberspace. Cyberspace show human's various an attribute.
Gender is imperfect too. Culture and society's thinking made gender. peoples being that unipue. each people have special individuality. moreover, change to gender is possible.
Cyborg maded by huamn. that is perfect. but human always imperfect. in these reasons someone insist cyborg is danger for human.
Human's spirit is invisible. Every media and a means not correct. Perfect understanding human is impossible. We kow that.

2008년 5월 10일 토요일


Theme: game

Game is composed by engine(graphics, physics, ai,and so on), movie. And Mod of game is various. RPG, Action, Simulation and so on. Game is not just toy. Naturally, Mod of game definited by general public or developer. I love game. especially RPG. I throb and see game in dream When i kid. Not only addict. I an sad when I clear game and see ending. That feeling like farewell to friend. I love story, character and world of game.

Movie is important portion. Movie can what Player can more concentrate and satisrate for game. I think movies of Square Enix is very fantastic. That have no reallism. But production is very excellent.

History of computer game is not short. Game better and better not every year but every day. And old game, For example Space War, Pick Man are fine.

What makes a good game? play? or, story? or, realism? or, is it something else?
I think game must fun! for this reasons plat, story,realism, and so on every thing are impotant. For good game Game producer, engineer, designer and other people try for perfect piece

2008년 4월 12일 토요일


*Artificial intelligence
Alan Turning, he is founder of computer science. and he is clever other field.
he invent first computer. name is 'Colossus'. and he think artificial intelligence.
but he is gay man. because of McCarthyism, he have terrible destiny.
He think “imitation game". this is about gender. as this game, he think not only determine gender but also artificial intelligence. and he think 'Can machines think?’

Now exist definition of artificial intelligence and research areas of artificial intelligence.

this is artificial intelligence software. this software for thinking of computer.
but i think machine is just machine. program is just program created by human.

2008년 4월 5일 토요일


*This week class keypoint: New media technologies usually reinforce existing social
networks or even work to isolata people. and they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.

This week keypoint is link to 'People make media and then media make people.' nowaday a number of media are exist. and this influence our social network.

mainly social network is studied interdisciplinary by social scientists. but physicists and mathematicians contributed understanding of social networks too.
the understand of social network is can expecting pattern and quick reaction.

Social network is expressed by picture,graphy and chart. and one interesting theory Mark Granovetter, “The Strength of Weak Ties”is Sometimes weak relationship are more valuable than strong relationship. it is interesting and confusing.

definition some relationship. example, 'epuivalence' is people that have same social network. and 'centrality' is people that know almost people. that link central position. and 'bridges' is people that link separated group. this is function for social capital.

This week class have a character of social science. nowaday the influence of internet to rerationship is wonderful.
Ordinary I think network and rerationship. that's so complicate. thus understanding of socialnetwork always have variables.

2008년 3월 28일 금요일


*This week class keypoint: people make media and then media make people.
also I don't know internet at birth. I am touching Internet in middle school. But people lived nowadays. they can't imagine life without internet.
people make media. and media influence to our life very much. but conpemporary media need high-level technology and creative thinking. only some people make media.
and we just using that. consequently, media that maked some people influence our life very much.

*The World-Wide web
The World-Wide web was developed to be a pool of human knowledge from Tim berners Lee
He working at CERN. He need collaborate. and he think collaborate is very important. this is motivate on www. and he think 'suppose all the information stored on computers everywhere were linked'
he want whatever sever, interface, no other understand, users can use same way.
for this, he invent HTML(language for hypertext of internet), HTTP(network protocol for hypertext of internet), URL(adress system).
He think www and infirmation technology will more develop.
now he is working for liberalization and standardization of www. No matter software, hardware, language and handicap. www is for everyone. He really want www for people rather than profit for himself. I respect him.

2008년 3월 22일 토요일


This week class ketpoint in Newmedia and OldMedia, and replace.
Ted nelson's HPERTEXT is new media. about thinking,understanding,reading and writing.
HPERTEXT is different former times medias. former times medias flow fixed form.
but HPERTEXT is nonfixed. and follow for user's idea.
nowdays WWW(world wide web)and internet explorer much developed this province.
and understanding for student, we learn dadaist. I see William Burroughs and David Bowie's movie. as this, I feel better understanding.
Engelbars is much influence about HYPERRINK. as he invent mouse, he think very important user's interface. that's for increasingly many and intellectual imformation. and he invent NLS. showing HYPERRINK for people.
but he not only machine and technology developement but also human's personality and
thinking as important.

i know approximately character of 'introduction to information technology'class in now. reading and class is so difficult if I don't take much time for class.
English is big burden to me. but i think this is the chance for my english skill.
I will much endeavor from now.

2008년 3월 15일 토요일

3/12-14 review

Keypoint of this week class is character of media. that connect and separate people, notion. And technology can embody notion.
We talk about politics of car. This time, car is used media. we try communication our think about connect and separate.

Reading1(Welcome to present)
Because technology development, today, we see not everything. Technology explain thing that we can’t see directly. There are many positive position and negative positin exist aboutthis problem. I think we can’t sure everything.

Reading2(As we may think)
*what is bush's stated motivation?
Transfer and examination of information useful.
*what problem is bush trying to solve?
Today, we have a lot of data. For useful control and communication about data. And System for human.
*what role do economical considerations play in bush's thinking?
Repeative work is mechanical process. This development exist only in required market.
*who are the key people/types of people bush writes about?
secretaries/calculators. Productive work need people. But data examination associate machine. This people is secretaries/calculators